St. Exupéry

Poor Antoine, marooned in the dunes
flying blind in bad weather:
Saharan, Andean expanses
dissolving into
the Mediterranean.

His postal routes criss cross the sky
and we receive
missives from faraway lovers
postcards from dads
grandmothers' scribbled Valentines—

their voices almost audible
as he rounds the globe with good news
reams of dreams bulking up his biplane
cursive contrails in his wake
his starry breath clouding the cockpit.

Christina Lloyd

Christina Lloyd

Christina Lloyd holds a master's creative writing from Lancaster University (UK) and a master's in Hispanic languages and literatures from UC Berkeley. Her work appears in various journals, most recently in The North. NonBinary Review published her poem "Clytie" in the Bullfinch's Mythology issue a few years back. She is pursuing a PhD in creative writing through Lancaster.

Zoetic Press

Zoetic Press believes in new ways of storytelling and reading.

A Crash, A Collage


Ghost in the Way