Ira Beck

Ira Beck was conscious of his thinning hair. So, on a whim, he shaved his head. But, being somewhat observant, he left his beard.

“Good to see a brother of the cause,” grunted another bald-and-bearded man at the bus stop.

Unconsciously, Ira raised his hand to meet the man’s palm. Only later did he realise the horrible meaning behind the bent-armed cross tattooed on the man’s wrist.

Erik Peters is a father and avid mediaevalist from Canada. Erik's writing has been published in numerous magazines including Coffin Bell, Superlative Lit, Prospectus, Takahe Magazine, and The Dead Mule School. Read all Erik's publications at or @erikpeterswrites.

Zoetic Press

Zoetic Press believes in new ways of storytelling and reading.

Every Time I See a Dancer


Shadow Shifter