Issue #5: The King in Yellow

  • The Lure of Madness

    Camilla: You, sir, should unmask.
    Stranger: Indeed?
    Cassilda: Indeed, it’s time. We have all laid aside disguise but you.
    Stranger: I wear no mask.
    Camilla: (Terrified, aside to Cassilda.) No mask? No mask!

    —Robert W. Chambers, “The Mask”

    “Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.”

    —Oscar Wilde

    There’s something seductive about madness, isn’t there?

    Culturally, we have a macabre attraction to stories that give evil a beguiling persona, that ascribe ominous importance to color, or which feature mysterious strangers who serve as omens of death and destruction. We also seem to have a dark pull towards stories of madness, the contradictory idea that we are most truthful when we are wearing a mask, or where characters are irresistibly drawn to otherworldly regions of their own psyche—perhaps indulging in these stories of madness is how we as a culture choose to cope with the ever-changing world around us, and surrender ourselves to our powerlessness over that world.

    In 1895, at the time of the initial publication of Robert W. Chambers’ The King in Yellow, the world was full of terrifying change—the art and literature of the time reflected both the social mores and cultural fears born of the changing world. Symbolism reigned in Victorian literature, seductive evil was one of the primary motifs in art of the Fin de siècle, the Gothic horror of Edgar Allan Poe was established enough to have influenced a new generation of authors, and the 19th century was coming to a close. The eerie romanticism of Chambers’ stories is one that is iconic of the era of its creation, and this weird blend of the macabre and the irresistible is arguably what makes the first four stories of The King in Yellow a classic in the canon of supernatural literature, the main text from which the subgenre of cosmic horror was born.

    Most of us find The King in Yellow through the oeuvre of H.P. Lovecraft, or, more recently, the HBO series True Detective. Think of it as the cosmic horror equivalent of discovering Brian Eno’s Here Come the Warm Jets after listening to David Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars. By this I mean that the artist who “did it first” isn’t always the one who brings it to a larger audience—and that’s okay, because once the audience is there, the author has their rapt attention. So what is it about these four stories that makes their intertwined narrative one that is enduring, and not a relic of a lost time in literature? Cultural isolation, the destructive nature of art, the idea that we are only able to tell the truth when we wear a mask, and the idea that the madness comes from within are all powerful themes which the contributors to this issue of NonBinary Review chose to examine within the world of The King in Yellow.

    In this issue, you’ll read fusion pieces that marry the styles of cosmic horror with hard-boiled noir fiction, with early 20th century feminist fiction, and with contemporary Southern Gothic fiction—you’ll read poems that feel timeless, experience art which captures the tension of the narrative’s sense of isolation, and stories where the creeping madness feels urgent, encroaching upon your mind, word by line by paragraph. In this issue, we’re also really proud to bring you more diversity than is generally seen in the horror genre—this issue features a broad cross-section of authors, with diversity and gender equality influencing both the tone and tenor of the multi-textured stories they add to the King in Yellow universe.

    So what is it about Carcosa that’s so alluring, that it unlocks the madness inside of a person—what is it about the King in Yellow, that even knowing the risks and the evil, these characters cannot resist the urge to discover the secrets of the Yellow Sign? If we assume that horror stories are the indulgences of authors in the things that culturally frighten us, then we can reasonably assume that one of the qualities that makes the stories of The King in Yellow as relevant in 2015 as they were in 1895 is that the world around us is in a constant state of flux, and we have less power than we like to believe to exert our influence over it. This changing world is full of real-life madness—this is the subject material of many of the stories in this issue of NonBinary Review. If this world isolates us and leads us to feel powerless against its forces, Carcosa, then, is its dark twin, a reflection of our world. Except we choose Carcosa, we voluntarily embrace the madness within ourselves, and we manifest that madness as the King in Yellow, who allows us to feel powerful in our powerlessness. Seductive, isn’t it, this madness?

    We invite you to read this collection, and to revel in the eerie vignettes this collection of authors brings you. We hope that you find yourself turning on every light in your house as you read every twist on the suite of stories and feeling profoundly uneasy in empty rooms. We want you to be haunted by the ways these authors interpret the source texts, leaving their own indelible mark on the stories that will linger in your mind for days after you finish the last line. As you prepare to jump into this collection of strange stories from talented new authors, I’d like to leave you with these lines from “Cassilda’s Song”, Act 1, Scene 2:

    Strange is the night where black stars rise,

    And strange moons circle through the skies,

    But stranger still is

    Lost Carcosa.

    Embrace the madness within. Have you seen the Yellow Sign?

    Allie Marini



The King in Yellow (cover)
MANDEM is the art name for Maize Arendsee, an art instructor and Studio Art MFA student at Florida State University, and her life-partner, Moco Steinman-Arendsee. MANDEM’s artwork is described as an exercise in categorical violations, simulation, and narrative. With an academic background in classical mythology, gender studies, and critical theory, MANDEM works across media and materials (painting, assemblage/collage, film, sculpture, and book-making), intentionally destabilizing genre in terms of content and media. MANDEM’s artwork has been widely exhibited in art galleries and museums, and it has been featured in over 100 publications.

Glynn Barrass

Glynn Barrass

Claws That Pierce the Amber Veil
Glynn has written over a hundred short stories and edited for Chaosium’s Call of Cthulhu fiction line and Dark Regions Press—Eldritch ChromeSteampunk CthulhuAtomic Age Cthulhu, and World War Cthulhu.

Eleanor Leonne Bennett

Eleanor Leonne Bennett

Floats With Grace, Hidden in Green, Enforced, Paper Masks
Eleanor was the CIWEM Young Environmental Photographer of The Year. Her photography has been published in British Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar.

Rosemary (Tantra) Bensko

Rosemary (Tantra) Bensko

Performance of The King in Yellow 
Tantra’s fiction appears in Women Writing the Weird I and IIStrange Little GirlsTriangulation: ParchZymbolHoldfastSurreal South. She inhabits Berkeley.

Carina Bissett

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The Yellowed Press of an Ancient Power
Carina wrote travel articles and books about the Southwest. These days, she spends her time crafting twisted fairy tales and cross-pollinated mythic fiction. She is currently at work on the first novel in her five-book Elements series.

Dmitri Borshch

Dmitri Borshch

Sign Bearer
Dmitry’s drawings and sculptures have been exhibited at the National Arts Club (New York), BrechtForum (New York), ISE Cultural Foundation (New York), and the State Russian Museum (Saint Petersburg).

Richard Lee Byers

Richard Lee Byers

Hate, Courage and Blood
Richard is the author of forty fantasy and horror books including Blind God’s BluffThe Reaver, and Dissolution. His short fiction has appeared in numerous magazines and anthologies.

Kelda Critch

Kelda Critch

Fungal Night, Uninteresting
Kelda is a new born entity. Her work has appeared in the Lovecraft E-zineJournal of Unlikely AcceptancesDreams from the Witch House and in the Bram Stoker Award winning After Death anthology.

Randall Doering

Randall Doering

Strength of My Fathers
Randall has published in Stupefying Stories and the anthology Songs of the Great Cycle, by Long Count Press. He has won honorable mention in the L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future contest.

Amelia Gorman

Amelia Gorman

Sacrifice in Hali
Amelia is a computer science student in Minnesota. She has a story in Innsmouth Free Press’s anthology She Walks in Shadows.

Robert Gross

Robert Gross

The Yellow Script
Robert is a writer, theatrical director, and performer. He’s published in DuendeCarcinogenic Poetry, and Dead Snakes.

Deborah Guzzi

Deborah Guzzi

Bloodied Nail Beds
Deborah writes for Massage and Aromatherapy.

David Hoenig

David Hoenig

Of Kings, Queens, and Knaves
David finished his first novel (querying), and is working on a second. He published “Madness is in the Eye of the Beholder” with Morning Rain Publishing, winning 3rd place in a “Freaky Fiction” contest.

Marilyn Horn-Fahey

Marilyn Horn-Fahey

Return of the Son
Marilyn is a technical editor in Silicon Valley. Her short stories have appeared in publications such as Blotterature and Marathon Review.


Caroline Johnson

This Yellow Balloon
Caroline has two poetry chapbooks, Where the Street Ends and My Mother’s Artwork, and has published poetry in DuPage Valley ReviewChicago TribuneThe Quotable, and others.

Linda Kennedy

Linda Kennedy

Preacher Man 
Linda is a musician and choir director working in Richmond, Va. She has taken poetry classes at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Studio School and has a poem posted on the VMFA Blog.

Dominique Lamssies

Dominique Lamssies

Shards: A Drama in Four Acts
Dominique’s non-fiction has been featured in Eye-Ai Magazine, a magazine about Japanese culture for expatriates living abroad. Her fiction has been featured in The Horror Zine.

David Landrum

David Landrum

David’s novellas, The ProphetessShadowCityStrange Brew, and The Last Minstrel, and his novel, The Sorceress of the Northern Seas, are all available through Amazon.

Christine Makepeace

Christine Makepeace

The Queen in Yellow
Christine is a New Englander by birth, a New Yorker by choice, and an Austinite by happenstance. Her debut novel, Wake Up, Maggie, can be found on Amazon.

M.W. Mani

M.W. Mani

The King (A Masquerade)
M.W. studied Theatre at Washington State University. He currently lives in Portland, OR.

Kaela McNeil

Kaela McNeil

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A Romantic Evening With a Cthulhu Figurine
Kaela has been published in Anthropoid and The Miscellany. She works as the prose editor for Sling Magazine while interning at VIDA: Women in Literary Arts.

Frankie Metro

Frankie Metro

An Excerpt From The Professional Donor 
Frankie is the author of A.P.C.The Anarchist’s Blac Book of Poetry and The Professional Donor. He is published in Kerouac’s Dog MagazineUnlikely StoriesCarcinogenic Poetry/Virgogray Press.

Geoff Mosse

Geoff Mosse

A Waking Fever Dream in Yellow
Geoff is a quiet and humble freelance writer and artist that resides in a heavily fortified compound in Savannah, GA. His current graphic novel, The Mick, can be found on and other outlets.

Rose Neilsen

Rose Neilsen

The development of multiple cognitive deficits manifested by both:
Rose has a Creative Writing MFA from the University of British Columbia. Her work can be found in As It Ought to Be and RiverLit, in print in Contemporary Verse 2 and forthcoming in the Mississippi River Anthology, Down a Dark River.

Konstantine Paradias

Konstantine Paradias

Down Cancer Orchard Way
Konstantine short stories have been published in the AE Canadian Science Fiction ReviewCycatrix Magazine and the Battle Royale Slambook by Haikasoru.

L.E. Peret

L.E. Peret

The Next Emperor
L. E. works as a press assistant while trying to get a PhD in Sociology. He writes primarily Sci-Fi, fantasy and horror. His favorite authors are Anne Rice, Lovecraft, King, Gaiman, Clarke, Asimov and Tolkien.

Steph Post

Steph Post

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The Pallid Mask
Steph is the author of A Tree Born Crooked. Her short fiction is in Haunted Waters: From the DepthsThe Round-Up, and Stephen King’s Contemporary Classics. She lives, writes and teaches in St. Petersburg, Florida.

James Pratt

James Pratt

He Is Coming 
James’s stories have appeared in Canopic Jars: Tales of Mummies and Mummification, Dark Hall Press Cosmic Horror AnthologyAlter Egos Vol. 2, and Barbarians of the Red Planet from Rogue Planet Press.

Erica Ruppert

Erica Ruppert

The Traveller
Erica lives in northern New Jersey with her husband and an assortment of pets. She writes, teaches, bakes, runs, and reads many odd things. She has previously been published in Rose Red ReviewCæsura, and Bookends Review.

Julio Toro San Martin

Julio Toro San Martin

Interview Excerpted From a Blog Site Dedicated to Supernatural Investigations
Julio hails from Toronto, Canada. His work has been published by Innsmouth Free Press, Acidic Fiction, Tigershark Publishing, The Lovecraft Ezine and Static movement.

Jon Carroll Thomas

Jon Carroll Thomas

The Outcasts of Carcosa
Jon is a Pittsburgh writer that likes to dabble in yellow.

Steve Toase

Steve Toase

Smoke Signs 
Steve is an author and archaeologist living in North Yorkshire and occasionally Munich, Germany. His story “Call Out” has recently been published in the Best Horror Of The Year Anthology 6.

Nathan Tompkins

Nathan Tompkins

A Song of Chaos and Eternal Night
Nathan’s work has appeared in Calliope MagazineThe Tishman ReviewNonBinary ReviewNorth West Words, and others. He is also the author of Junk Mail of the Heart, and The Dog Stops Here.

DJ Tyrer

DJ Tyrer

In the Company of Mr. King
DJ is the person behind Atlantean Publishing, has been published in Dialect PoetryMemento MoriBonesCyaeghaCarillonThe PenScifaikuestTigershark and Anthology 29.

Dawn Vogel

Dawn Vogel

Dawn is a short fiction author and editor. She runs a craft business, helps edit Mad Scientist Journal, and tries to find time for writing. She lives in Seattle with her awesome husband (and fellow author), Jeremy Zimmerman.

Hope Wabuke

Hope Wabuke

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Hope’s poetry has appeared in The North American ReviewKalyani MagazineFjords Literary JournalPotluck MagazineRuminate MagazineSalamander JournalLiterary Mama, Weave Magazine, Cease Cows, and Split This Rock